I started writing this blog months ago but couldn’t finish it. Something was missing, and I couldn’t quite figure it out. I think I’ve found that missing piece, so here we are.
Finding peace! What exactly is peace? Why are most of us searching for peace? Does it exist?
Well, everyone’s definition of peace will be different. I find peace in the simplest things, and the credit goes to Afiyah. When I watch Afiyah seeking happiness and contentment from playing with porridge oats, I wonder about the basics we need to live in this world. Of course, we need to work and earn money, as we all have bills to pay, but if we can somehow create ways of finding peace, it’s a win-win for us all.
I find peace in spending time with my children and loved ones, especially when observing Afiyah and how she finds peace. A teenage girl who cannot speak, meet her needs by herself, and has very little in life seems to have a lot more than the rest of us!!
I learn so much from Afiyah each day. I learn gratitude, and Afiyah keeps me grounded in what is real & important in life. Spending time with Afiyah brings a certain kind of peace. I’m not just saying this because she is my daughter, but I also feel a similar peace when I work with people with special needs. Those who have spent time with children/adults with special needs will know what I mean ❤️
The missing piece I mentioned at the beginning of this blog is my work with pupils with special needs and their parents. Yes, I live and breathe autism with Afiyah at home, but I want more of it, and I find peace when I work with my pupils. One tap on my hand, eye contact for a few seconds, and a smile from my pupils do it all for me.
I won’t lie; this summer break has been difficult like any other break, but I have tried to remind myself about the little things that matter to keep myself going. The sleepless nights and lack of routine have been difficult for Afiyah and me, but somehow, we’ve nearly made it to the other side. I don't want to speak too soon as we have another week to go, but I remain optimistic.
Have you ever considered what brings you peace? You might be surprised to find peace in the simplest things and don’t have to look too far.
So, today, let’s take a moment to ourselves. Take a few deep breaths and consider what peace means for us and how to find it. I know that, with time, there will be another missing piece for me to find, and I hope to find it soon.
Stay safe and blessed, beautiful people. Until next time 🤗